Phil Rowlands

Living in the Finished work of Jesus Christ

Hello, my friends!

Today, lets investigate a topic that's both intriguing and essential for us as believers: spiritual warfare. Now, don't let that term intimidate you. It's not about donning armour and wielding swords in the physical sense. Rather, it's about understanding the spiritual battle we're engaged in and how we can stand firm in the victory that Christ has already won for us.


Hello, my friends!

Have you ever paused to truly consider who you are in Christ? It's a profound question that often gets lost in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, yet it's absolutely crucial to our walk with God. Today, we're going to investigate this vital truth as we explore Ephesians 5 and unpack what it really means to remember our identity in Christ.


Hello, my friends!

Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about transformation in our Christian walk. As believers, we are called to put off the old and put on the new – to exchange our grave clothes for grace clothes. This isn't just about behaviour modification; it's about embracing our new identity in Christ and allowing His life to shine through us.


Hello, my friends!

Today, I'd like to share some thoughts on a powerful passage from the book of Ephesians. As we delve into chapter 4, we'll explore God's incredible plan for His church and how He equips us to fulfill our purpose in Christ. This passage is truly a cornerstone for understanding God's vision for His people and how we can grow together in faith and love.


Hello, my friends!

Have you ever paused to marvel at the intricate design of your own body? From the tiniest cell to the complex network of organs, everything works together in perfect harmony. This incredible unity in diversity is not just a biological wonder but a powerful metaphor for something even more extraordinary – the Body of Christ. Today, let's investigate this profound truth and explore how it applies to our lives as believers.


Hello, my friends!

Have you ever felt that your relationship with Jesus has become a bit stale? Perhaps you remember those early days of your faith journey when everything felt fresh and exciting, but now it seems like you're just going through the motions. Well, I've got some good news for you today! We're going to investigate a powerful prayer from the Apostle Paul that can help reignite your experience of Christ in your daily life.


Hello, my friends!

Have you ever felt like an outsider, desperately seeking a place to belong? Perhaps you've experienced the sting of rejection or the weight of feeling like a second-class citizen. Well, I have exciting news for you today! In Christ, we have been given a new identity and a new community that transcends all earthly divisions.


Hello, my friends!

Today, we’re diving into one of the most profound and transformative themes found in the book of Ephesians: the mystery of the Church. Ephesians is a beautiful letter from Paul that reveals the glory and purpose of the Church. It’s a powerful reminder of how God has united us in Christ and how this unity transcends all divisions and hostilities that have plagued humanity since the fall.


Hello, my friends!

Today, we’re investigating the incredible depths of Ephesians chapter 3, where the Apostle Paul unveils the mysteries and wonders of God's grand plan for His people. Ephesians is often referred to as a glorious book, and for good reason. It is here that we see the intricate workings of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all converging in the most magnificent way to shape the Church into a glorious entity. Let's journey together through these powerful verses and discover the treasures that await us.


Hello, my friends!

Today, we investigate the richness of Ephesians 2, exploring the amazing grace and love that God has lavished upon us through Jesus Christ. This chapter is a beautiful reminder of our transformation from death to life, from being objects of wrath to recipients of God’s immeasurable grace. It's a journey that highlights the simplicity of the gospel and the sufficiency of Christ's finished work on the cross.


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