Faith to Faith

Hello, my friends!

Many believers begin their Christian journey with genuine faith in Christ's finished work on the cross. There's an initial joy and freedom that comes with understanding salvation as a gift rather than something earned. Yet over time, a subtle transformation often occurs. Without realising it, Christians can drift from a grace-centered relationship with God to one based on performance and personal effort.

This shift undermines the very essence of the gospel message. When we begin measuring our standing with God by our religious activities, moral achievements, or spiritual disciplines, we've fallen into the same trap that Paul repeatedly warned against in his letters.

The Biblical Foundation

In Romans 1:16-17, Paul makes a profound declaration: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes... For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—from faith to faith.”

This powerful phrase—”from faith to faith”—serves as a reminder that our entire spiritual journey must be faith-based from beginning to end. Faith isn't merely the starting point of our Christian walk; it's the ongoing posture that characterizes our relationship with God at every stage.

Jesus: The Focus of Our Faith

Hebrews 12:2 provides further clarity by encouraging us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” When we shift our gaze from Christ's sufficiency to our own efforts, we've essentially regressed from the new covenant back to the old.

The Christian life isn't about striving harder but believing deeper. Faith simply receives what grace freely supplies. This truth doesn't diminish our commitment to spiritual growth or obedience—rather, it places these elements in their proper context as responses to grace rather than attempts to earn favour.

Recognizing the Warning Signs

How can we tell if we've drifted into performance-based Christianity? Some indicators include:

Returning to Faith

If you recognize these patterns in your own life, take heart. The journey back to faith-based living begins with remembering the gospel itself—that Christ has accomplished everything necessary for your acceptance by God.

True spiritual transformation happens not through human effort but through continuing to trust in the finished work of Christ. As you fix your eyes on Jesus rather than your own performance, you'll find yourself living from a place of acceptance rather than striving for acceptance.

Embracing the Liberating Truth

Your relationship with God was designed to be “from faith to faith,” never shifting to works or self-effort. This liberating truth doesn't lead to spiritual laziness but rather to a life marked by grateful response to grace already received.

When we embrace this reality, we find ourselves empowered by the Spirit rather than exhausted by self-effort. Our obedience becomes an expression of love rather than an attempt to earn what we already have in Christ.

Understanding God's Unshakable Kingdom

There are three powerful spiritual realms that shape our existence! Earth, world, and kingdom! Initially, God created this beautiful earth for humanity to enjoy and rule over as stewards of His creation!

But then came the tragic fall! Satan became the ruler of this world, transforming God's perfect creation into a system designed to pull us away from our Creator! As 1 John 5:19 reminds us, “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one!”

But praise God, Jesus came announcing revolutionary news! “The kingdom of heaven is at hand!” When you surrender your life to Christ, you're instantly transferred from the domain of darkness into God's unshakable kingdom!

While earthly nations rise and fall, Christians belong to an eternal kingdom that cannot be moved! Hebrews 12:28 declares that we are “receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken!”

So be blessed today, my friends, and remember that understanding these three spiritual realms gives you the discernment to live victoriously in this world while belonging to God's eternal kingdom!

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