Why I Don't Want God to Be Fair!
Hello, my friends!
Have you ever complained that God isn't fair? You're absolutely right – and that's actually the best news possible!
If God were merely fair, we'd all be in serious trouble. Being fair means getting exactly what we deserve – that's justice! But Psalm 103 declares “He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities.”
Let me break this down:
- Justice is getting what we deserve
- Mercy is not getting the punishment we deserve
- Grace is receiving blessings we could never deserve
Under the New Covenant, God relates to us through grace – unmerited favor flowing from Christ's sacrifice. Romans 5:17 says we “reign in life” through “the abundance of grace.”
The Problem with Fairness
We demand fairness in most areas of life. “That's not fair!” might be one of the first phrases we learn as children. Yet when it comes to our relationship with God, fairness is the last thing we should want.
Romans 3:23 reminds us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” If God operated on a strictly fair basis, the wages of our sin would be death (Romans 6:23). No exceptions, no appeals, no second chances.
This is where many misunderstand Christianity. The revolutionary message of the gospel is that God chooses not to be merely fair. Instead, He opts for something much more radical: grace.
The Divine Imbalance
In 2 Corinthians 5:21, Paul explains it: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
Jesus takes our sin and gives us His righteousness. Is that fair? Absolutely not! It's gloriously, magnificently unfair. This divine imbalance tilts entirely in our favor. Christ took the punishment we deserved so we could receive the blessings He deserved.
Living Under Grace
Living under grace means freedom from trying to earn God's approval. Our standing with God isn't based on a cosmic point system. Instead, we're embraced as beloved children because of Christ's work, not our own.
This doesn't mean our actions don't matter. Grace transforms us from the inside out, creating a new heart that desires to please God out of love and gratitude, not fear.
So be blessed today, my friends, and remember that God's glorious unfairness means you receive His lavish love instead of the judgment you actually deserve!
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