Phil Rowlands

Living in the Finished work of Jesus Christ

Hello, my friends!

Today, let’s consider together the amazing plan God has for us as revealed in Ephesians 1:1-6. It's incredible how the riches of God's grace transform our lives. The unsaved might chase after earthly riches because that's all they know, but as believers, our focus is on heavenly riches. We have a unique dual citizenship: our earthly address and our spiritual address in the heavenly places in Christ. Regardless of our earthly circumstances, whether in a bustling city or a humble village, our true position, our true home, our spiritual address, is in Christ.


Hello, my friends!

Today, we conclude our journey through Acts. I hope you have enjoyed travelling along with me. In my final post on this wonderful book, we look into the adventurous and faith-filled journey of Paul as described in Acts 27-28. This passage, filled with peril, providence, and divine purpose, demonstrates the steadfastness of Paul and the unwavering faithfulness of God. As we navigate through these chapters, let's uncover the lessons that Paul's voyage offers us, focusing on how God's promises hold firm even amidst life's fiercest storms.


Hello, my friends!

Today, we investigate the remarkable chapters of Acts 25 and 26, where Paul finds himself at a pivotal moment in his journey. Imagine being in his shoes: a prisoner, yet a powerful witness for Christ, standing before kings and governors. It's a testimony time that has been orchestrated by God Himself.


Hello, my friends!

Today, let's continue with the remarkable story of Paul, a man whose life was marked by incredible trials and divine interventions. In Acts 23, we find Paul standing before the Sanhedrin, facing accusations and hostility. Despite the grim circumstances, Paul's story is a testament to the unwavering presence of Christ and the purpose that transcends our immediate trials.


Hello, my friends!

Today, let's journey together into the depths of Acts 21, where the apostle Paul sails into a brewing storm, both literally and figuratively. Have you ever felt like you're walking straight into trouble, knowing full well that challenges await, but also knowing that it's where you're meant to be? That's exactly where Paul found himself as he made his way to Jerusalem.


Hello, my friends!

Today, let's explore a fascinating passage from Acts 20, where Paul gives his farewell sermon to the elders at Ephesus. This is a rare glimpse into Paul's pastoral heart, as opposed to his usual role as an evangelist. His words here are rich with lessons for us, both in looking back on our lives and ministries and in looking forward to what God has in store for us.


Hello, my friends!

Today, we're exploring an exciting passage from the book of Acts, focusing on Paul's ministry in Ephesus. As we journey through these verses, we'll see how God used Paul to spread the gospel and establish a thriving church in this influential city.


Hello, my friends!

Today, let's spend some time on a topic that touches every believer's heart: how God encourages us when we're discouraged, especially when facing opposition while spreading the gospel. Satan's primary tactic is to discourage us, trying to halt our progress. Consider the apostle Paul. Despite being beaten, insulted, and banished from Philippi, Paul remained undeterred and continued his mission with greater zeal (1 Thessalonians 2:2). Resistance is often designed to dishearten us, but God has a remarkable way of transforming these situations into opportunities for His glory.


Hello, my friends!

Have you ever felt like God was shaking things up in your life? Maybe you had plans all laid out, but suddenly everything changed. Well, that's exactly what happened to Paul and his companions during their second missionary journey. It's a powerful reminder that God's ways are often different from our own, but His plans are always perfect.


Hello, my friends!

Have you ever found yourself wondering about the true nature of salvation? It's a question that has stirred hearts and minds throughout the ages, and today, we're going to dive into a pivotal moment in church history that settles this matter once and for all. Let's journey back to the early days of the church, where a heated debate was raging that would shape the future of Christianity.


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