Phil Rowlands

Living in the Finished work of Jesus Christ

Hello, my friends!

Today, as we conclude our exploration of Hebrews, which is a letter written to a community transitioning from the old covenant to the new, we're investigating a segment that allows us to see the timeless truths that can strengthen our walk with Christ and deepen our understanding of God's amazing grace.


Hello, my friends!

Today, as we continue in Hebrews, let's explore a topic that's fundamental to every believer – faith. Not just any faith, but the kind that endures, the kind that stands firm in the face of trials and tribulations. As we journey through life, we often encounter challenges that test our resolve and shake our foundations. But it's in these moments that our faith truly shines, revealing its genuine nature and strength.


Hello, my friends!

Today, as we continue in Hebrews, I'd like to share some thoughts with you about the incredible power of the new covenant and how it frees us from the burden of guilt and sin-consciousness. This is a topic that's close to my heart, as I've seen firsthand how destructive guilt can be in the lives of believers who don't fully grasp the liberating truth of what Jesus has accomplished for us. I was personally in that boat for many years under legalism and condemnation, propagated from poor teaching that was rife in churches over the past 30 years and unfortunately, still is today.


Hello, my friends!

Today, I'd like to share with you some wonderful truths about our incredible salvation in Jesus Christ. Particularly focusing on the book of Hebrews, we'll uncover the depth and breadth of what it means to be truly saved and secure in our faith.


Hello, my friends!

Today, I want to talk to you about something truly amazing – our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ. You know, when we think about Jesus, we often focus on His earthly ministry, His teachings, and His sacrifice on the cross. But did you know that Jesus has another ministry that's been ongoing for 2,000 years? That's right, He is our Great High Priest, interceding for us at the right hand of God.


Hello, my friends!

Today, I'd like to share some thoughts with you about finding true rest in Christ. As we journey through life, it's easy to become weary and burdened by the cares of this world. We often seek rest in various ways – perhaps by taking a day off work, going on holiday, or pursuing hobbies and recreation. While these can provide temporary refreshment, there's a deeper, more profound rest that God offers us in Jesus.


Hello, my friends!

Today I want to share with you some incredible truths about who we are in Christ and the glorious destiny God has planned for us. When God first created humanity, He had an amazing vision in mind. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 2 that God crowned mankind with glory and honour. But what does that really mean?


Hello, my friends!

Today, as we start out in Hebrews, we are looking into the incredible message that God has for each and every one of us. You see, throughout history, God has been speaking to humanity in various ways and at different times. In the Old Testament era, He spoke through prophets, visions, and dreams. But now, in these last days, God has given us His full and final message in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.


Hello, my friends!

Today, as we conclude our reflections on the profound teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount that we have been covering over the previous 11 blogs, we're reminded of the life changing power of His words. This sermon, delivered over 2000 years ago, remains just as relevant and transformative today as it was then. It's not just a set of rules or guidelines, but a description of the very life of God that He desires to live in and through us.


Hello, my friends!

Today, I'd like to chat with you about an important teaching from Jesus that impacts our daily lives as believers. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus presents us with a choice between two paths – a narrow gate that leads to life, and a wide gate that leads to destruction. Now, before getting into it, let me clarify something crucial: this isn't about salvation. Jesus isn't talking about how to get saved here. Throughout the entire Sermon on the Mount, He's addressing His disciples – those who have already put their faith in Him. Rather, this is about how we live out our faith day by day.


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